Market-ticker blog:(Birth Certificate)
Genesis [This is Karl's handle in the comment forum of his blog market-ticker]
Incept: 2007-06-26
Chief Bottle Washer
Jeffrey: Adobe saves changes in the file. It's a forensics thing. A lot of people don't know that it does this, but it in fact does.
A PDF file is just a list of elements. Their mistake was not "flattening" the image in whatever they edited it with before they created the PDF. As such the layers and elements were left in the file when it was run through Distiller.
Like I said.... clumsy.
ReplyDeletePosts: 99433
Incept: 2007-06-26
Chief Bottle Washer
... It's a Mac and the Distiller was a third-party product.
Doesn't matter. That, incidentally, doesn't tell you what product edited the file. But what the presence of the layers in the PDF tells you is that there are more than two - and there should only be two.
The "background" they dropped the image into, and the image.
But.... that's not what's there.
Like I said, clumsy and stupid. A "Flatten Image" in Photoshop before you exported it to a PDF would have erase all trace of this. Unfortunately, whatever they were editing in on that Mac, they didn't do that first.....