New York Time link page
Here is some of the titles from the NYT:
Industry Privately Skeptical of Shale Gas
Over the past six months, The New York Times reviewed thousands of pages of documents related to shale gas, including hundreds of industry e-mails, internal agency documents and reports by analysts. A selection of these documents is included here; names and identifying information have been redacted to protect the confidentiality of sources, many of whom were not authorized by their employers to communicate with The Times.
Signs of Trouble
Shale Gas Called a "Ponzi Scheme"
Where is the S.E.C.?
Drill Fast, Con Wall Street
“Always a Greater Sucker…”
"Corporate Hubris and Bad Science" May Lead to "Enron Moment"
Drilling for Press Release Purposes
Is Shale Gas a Bubble?
One of the best people to read on energy and our future is Gail the Actuary
Gail the Actuary:
Is shale oil the answer to peak oil?
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